We’re getting involved in 10:10’s campaign to persuade MPs to press the government to ease restrictions that block onshore wind. And we thought you’d like to get involved, too.
In fact, there are loads of issues you could write to your MP about – from post-Brexit environmental policy to Bristol airport’s planned expansion. So we’re having a letter writing session next weekend where you can get together with others and personalise your missive.
We’ll provide sample letters, addresses for local MPs, and discuss potential responses and what to do next.
This is one of our early forays into campaigning as ZeroWest. If it works, we’ll do it again, or help you organise something similar in your neck of the woods.
This first session is at:
Grounded Cafe, Glos Road, 425 Gloucester Rd, Bristol, BS7 8TZ
from 15.00-16.30. Drop by any time during the session – the coffee’s good, too.
If you prefer to write alone in your own time, here is a sample letter based on 1010s blown away campaign and tailored to the Zero West area that you can use.
You can find the name and address of your MP by putting your postcode in the ‘they work for you‘ website.
And we’ve also provided drafts on the current Environment Bill
And on plans to expand Bristol Airport
You choose!