On the web

This page offers links to regional and national resources that we value. No list like this can cover everyone who matters but there are some good places to start here. Feel free to email us with additional links you’d like included. See also our page on taking action.


Rapid Transition Alliance

Offers “evidence based hope” – stories of world-changing projects that are working, compiled by a team at the University of Sussex.

Jeremy Leggett

Leggett, founder of Solar Century and chronicler of the carbon wars, provides valuable regular updates on “climate, energy, technology and the future of civilisation”.

Climate News Network

Daily updates, from a small team of journalists in Southern England including former Guardian science editor Tim Radford.

Carbon Brief

UK-based website covering climate science, climate policy and energy policy. Data rich explanations, authoritative analysis.


Energy researcher Nikki Jones’ talks and newsletters. Her talks are repeated regularly and listed in our Events Calendar.

Climate Central

US-based site reporting the science and impacts of climate change

Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit

News and briefings, updated daily. Especially detailed coverage of UK developments, though covers rest of the world too.

Exeter energy policy group

Academic centre offering advice on energy tech and policy. Good blog.

Project Drawdown

Another solution-focussed site.

Rocky Mountain Institute

Old-established US think tank and researcher of low energy paths

International Renewable Energy Agency

Does what it says

Sky scenario – Shell

Yeah, they’re a fossil fuel gant, but Shell also make interesting scenarios, in this case one that depicts a path to meeting the Paris agreement’s targets. (opens PDF)

Climate Outreach

Oxford-based outfit focussed on how best to communicate about climate change and its effects.

Climate Communication Project

Another team (some overlap) contributing to comms work and advice.

Circle Economy

Dutch-based social enterprise offering advice on new economic arrangements that minimise waste

Clean technica

Business-oriented site on clean tech and renewables


Blueprint for a post-carbon society.

A recent (Sep 2018) example of the type, presenting detailed scenarios for UK futures. From Ovo Energy and Imperial College. (opens PDF)


A reliably creative source of projects and ideas for climate action and new energy systems

One Home

UK based site offering a rich menu of ideas for citizen action.

Committee on Climate Change

The UK government’s independent advisory committee. They’re supposed to take some notice. Links here to a decades worth of reports, with more to come in 2019.

Campaign against climate change

UK-based pressure group. Good guides to action & other resources here.

Centre for Sustainable Energy

National organisation that combines expertise with activism – based in Bristol


National not-for-profit organisation, based in Exeter, that offers advice and expertise on new energy systems.

Carbon Trust

Advice on carbon reduction for business in all sectors

Confused about energy

Advice for comsumers – focus on cost reduction with a green tinge.

New Economics Foundation

Leading green think tank

One planet life

Compendium of ideas and plans for redesigning cities

Centre for Understanding Sustainable Prosperity

Academic centre at University of Surrey

Energy systems catapult

Research centre on new energy systems

UK Energy Research Centre

Similar to above – maybe they should get together?

Just Transition Commission

Scottish Government initiative, just getting under way

Building a political mandate

A digest of academic research on politicians’ (MPs) approach to climate change – and why they find it difficult to act without pressure from voters. From the Green Alliance and Lancaster University.

National, but across the water, Ireland held a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change in 2018. Their recommendations here.

In our region (or thereabouts)

Bath and West Community Energy

Co-op funding local projects, mainly solar. New share offer coming soon.

Transition Bath Energy Group

Active on a range of local projects

Exeter Community Energy

City-based co-op

Exeter City Futures

Public/Private partnership working toward sustainability in Exeter. City-focussed, but full of interesting ideas. See especially their 2017 report on Energy Independence (pdf)

Devon Community Energy Network

Aiming to scale up renewable projects across the county

Bristol Energy Co-op

Bristol’s community-funded renewable energy company

Bristol Energy Network

Umbrella organisation for community energy groups in Bristol and round about.

Climate-friendly Bradford on Avon – energy group

Local campaign.

Frome Renewable Energy Co-op

Local enterprise

Sustainable Technologies Business Acceleration Hub

An awful mouthful but a useful outfit. A European Union funded project (!) based at University of Bath, aimed especially at low carbon innovators

Grandparents for a safe earth

Bristol-based group campaigning on climate change.

Other local initiatives in UK

Leeds Climate Commission

Co-ordinating plans, campaigns and action for a low carbon city.


Network of local government leaders, “which seeks to devise and implement plans for the transition to clean energy that are ambitious, cost effective and take the public and business with them”.

Can Do Cities

Network of cities in the UK exchanging ideas on reducing carbon emissions

Carbon Coop

Manchester-based group generating campaigns and advice on renewables.

Low carbon hub

Social enterprise developing community-owned renewables in Oxfordshire

Videos and podcast links

What is climate change?

First of a series of talks by Bristol-based researcher Nikki Jones, which were filmed for Bristol Energy Co-operative. They are updated and repeated regularly – see our events calendar or her website for dates.

100 solutions to climate change

Well, that’s a start – A TED talk worth watching

Tipping points to the post-carbon society. 

Talk at the Oxford Martin Institute. The link takes you to a single talk, but the site has many other relevant videos of visiting speakers from the global climate elite.

What matters most

Long interview (audio) with George Marshall of Climate Outreach on how he thinks about working on “the great issue of our times”

Climate change and technology

Good insight into the views of Michael Liebreich, an interesting combination of economics, tech and climate mitigation zeal. From a series of conversations with Azeem Azhar.