Our work with Transport for Greater Bristol on the Moving Bristol Forward campaign included close scrutiny of the existing transport network and current policies. Much of this research, funded by the Foundation for Integrated Transport, was done by the experts at Mobility Lab. Here we collect their reports, and others. We will be using these as a resource for future campaigning, and we encourage others to do the same. If you like them, let us know. If they need improving or updating, do make suggestions.
First, an overview which summarises and combines all of Mobility lab’s work on the state of Bristol’s transport, and what might be done about it.
The policies governing public transport in Bristol at the moment, and their gaps and contradictions
A review and professional commentary on TfGB’s own suite of plans for transforming transport in Bristol.
Additions to come will include a summary of the stakeholder meetings we held before the Mayoral elections when we were developing the Moving Bristol Forward manifesto, and a major report on the detailed planning of a possible tram network, to be the backbone of mass transit in a new system.