Thanks to everyone who contributed to our Winter Conference yesterday, to all our speakers, all of you who came, the Elmgrove Centre staff, to Moveable Feast for fab food and to TLT for sponsorship. And a special thank you to Emmy the Harp for playing us through lunch and staying on to play us out of the hall so beautifully.
If you want to add to what was said yesterday, or just carry on the conversation, the comment space below is one place you can do it. (We thought this might be easier to access than our twitter or facebook feeds, but feel free to use those if you prefer. Or use the contact form on this site.)
So, what should our priorities be in 2020?
Who should we be working with?
How can we build on our data work for the region, and who else would like to use it?
Who’d like to work more with Encounters Arts?
What can we do to accelerate action on improving transport, decarbonising heating, boosting renewable energy supply?
What have we overlooked, or perhaps begun on the wrong foot?
And – our abiding question as an organisation – what do we do when we’ve declared an emergency that can be helped most by action at a regional level?
Comments are open…
A couple of questions:
1. Is Tom Stedhall’s presentation or report or report summary available online?
2. On Emilia’s presentation an Energy Democracy Guide was mentioned. Can you tell me more about this?
We should be able to make Tom’s slides available soon.
The energy democracy guide (first version, anyhow) is nearing completion, and is due to be launched next month. More on this soon.
Slides about energy modelling now posted at the top of the blog – here