Zero West strategy
Our initial strategy to help accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon (net zero emissions), zero waste society in the West of England will develop around five strands:
Information and knowledge exchange
As a foundation for work under the other headings below, we will promote ambitious targets and demonstrate how they can be met – through modelling, review of others’ studies, compiling stories of exemplary projects, tracking news about energy, technology and society as it relates to energy transition. We will act as knowledge brokers. And amplify a sense of possibility for the region: that decarbonisation is possible, environmentally desirable, and beneficial in other ways.
Establishing an open online resource with information relevant to anyone who shares ZeroWest’s goals for the region.
Enabling investment in projects
Advocating for projects that would help achieve our targets, critiquing any that would retard progress. Instigating projects that do not currently have an institutional lead, if needed. Convening ad hoc study groups and discussions tailored to particular projects.
Institutional influence/lobbying
Lobbying, locally, regionally and – if appropriate – nationally for policies that align with the targets.
Responding to relevant consultations.
Keeping in close touch with other relevant organisations; encouraging them to think regionally.
Grassroots activities
Supporting and connecting grassroots activities across the region, as our resources permit.
Public outreach
Promoting involvement with our mission and targets (and their detailed formulation) from as diverse a range of publics as possible.
Note: This strategy is a work in progress. We shall revisit it in early 2020, after a phase of recruiting individual and institutional members, raising finance, and consolidating relationships with key organisations and institutions.
It draws on a detailed scoping paper prepared for us by Fred Barker. We are very grateful to the Schumacher Institute for supporting this work. You can read the paper online or download it from the links below.