Another Local Authority in our region has declared that we face a climate emergency. North Somerset – the Council which is not part of the West of England Combined Authority – voted to affirm that last week. Jill Coleman of Sustainable Pill and District (SPAD) explains:
“It seems odd to say that it is good news that our local councillors voted unanimously on Tuesday to declare a climate emergency…….. but as someone said to me the other day if you are an alcoholic you won’t tackle your drink problem until you admit it’s there! So now let’s face up to the fact global warming is happening and DO something about it!
The full motion put to vote, after slight amendment, was as follows –
This Council
(1) recognises the serious global Climate Challenge Emergency;
(2) asks officers to prepare a report on the actions North Somerset Council could take with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 with an idea of costings, aiming to bring back a report to Council around June; and
(3) asks the Chief Executive to write to the Government minister on our achievements and asks for resources when we know what the detailed proposals might be
A good group of us from SPAD was there outside the Town Hall with our placards with around 70 other protesters and then we went into the public gallery to hear the debate. I spoke in the public participation part – very scary but I didn’t actually die – and Don represented us well from the opposition benches and raised the vexed issue of the airport expansion proposals which will be the next battle for us. Councillors from all sides spoke about how serious and worrying global warming is, all the related environmental disasters on the horizon and the impact on their children and grandchildren. The vote for the motion was then carried unanimously with a show of hands and the public gallery cheered! It was GOOD!!”